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HomeUncategorizedSports Arbitrage - How it Really Works

Sports arbitrage has been a very fun hobby of mine that became a full time income. With so much information made easily available online, someone who wants to learn about it can get really confused. Therefore, I will show you how it really works.


The 3 popular ones are Money Bookers, e-Gold and Neteller. These are used to transfer money from your bank or credit card to your bookie accounts. You need to set up accounts with them. Neteller no longer allows USA citizens to get an account so if you are from USA, you can still use Money Bookers and e-Gold.

Sports Bookies

Bookies are also known as bookmakers or sports books. They allow you to place bets online with them and they function just like a casino. Some UK bookies include Bet Internet, Bet UK, Blue Square, Lad Brokes, Paddy Power. Some USA bookies include 5 Dimes, Bet Cris, Bet Ed, Bet Online, Bet Jamaica.

Alert Services

Instead of trying to find trades manually, you can make use of alert services. They usually send you alerts by email in real time. Some services can even send you alerts by mobile phone. The good services are usually not cheap, however, they usually end up paying for themselves in no time.

Arbitrage Process

Now that you have a good idea of the 3 main components of the arbitrage system, here is a quick summary of the full process.

  • Open e-wallet accounts.
  • Open bookie accounts.
  • Use alert service.
  • Get alerts on trades.
  • Go place bets online.
  • Win money.

Source by Wes Wiseman


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