Circle can be used to manage all devices that are connected to a Wi-Fi network, allowing parents to set and update controls on an ongoing basis. This includes the ability to Pause the Internet, set Bedtimes on certain devices, block the use of specific apps, set time limits, and include general content filters. With kids adopting phones, tablets, and other Wi-Fi-connected devices at increasingly earlier ages, Circle helps parents ensure their kids are viewing age-appropriate content while also preventing them from forming screen addictions that can negatively impact them. With the Circle app, users can quickly adjust each family member’s settings or simply pre-schedule routines that work for them.
Image Credit: Circle
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Jeśli zastanawiasz się, jak dowiedzieć się, czy twój mąż zdradza cię na WhatsApp, być może będę w stanie pomóc. Kiedy pytasz swojego partnera, czy może sprawdzić swój telefon, zwykle odpowiedź brzmi „nie”.