Social Rewards!
Earn real- world tangible rewards. Unlike any other website, Book Bag of knowledge truly wants to empower you with real-world useful knowledge. So, we decided to offer real, tangible rewards for your efforts! Simply by creating your personalized digital folder and start accumulating 125 knowledge credits by passing each knowledge challenge in each "core" category. You can enter our drawing once per month to win these valuable rewards.
- All new insulated windows up to $5500
- New roof for your house up to 7500
- New Hardwood floors for your living, dining and family rooms
- $3500 loaded master/visa card
- 6 months’ rent up to $5500
- $3500 towards car repairs
- $5,000 towards student loans
- $New wardrobe, includes, 3 suits, 5shirts, 5ties, and 2 pairs of shoes
- Ultimate entertainment center: including 55-inch HDTV, Bose surround sound system, DVD, one-year paid cable service
- Kitchen remodel from local, certified contractor up to $5000
- Start your own business kit- includes $5000, business coach, and custom website
- One year of groceries/ $375 per month allowance
- Dental work up to $5,500
- One-year health insurance plus health club membership
- Tablet or laptop with software loaded
- Healthy makeover
- 2,000 for your favorite cause
- Dinner for two at your favorite restaurant, twice a month for six months, plus one entertainment event per month
- $5,000 towards your favorite causes or charities
- $5000 for assistive technology for the disabled
- $5000 house makeover
- $5000 scholarship for college or technical training
- Random bill payment-at any location, must be registered with a BB of K folder,
- Tell us where you shop, and we could surprise you by calling the store and have them place a bill payment shopping spree card at the counter for you.