MOODMOON, created by Sebastian Hepting for Ingo Maurer, is a decorative lighting design that plays with color and takes inspiration from the changing light of the moon. The wall lamp is made from Japanese paper and programmable LED lights that can be controlled via an app to create a wide variety of atmospheres based on the colors emitted.
Since color and light have such an impact on mood, the MOODMOON light has the potential to be used to create energizing scenes or ones that are calming and relaxing, all based on the colors that are chosen. Each MOODMOON comes with 14 pre-programmed moods and additional ones are set to be available for in-app purchase in the future.
Existe alguma maneira de recuperar o histórico de chamadas excluídas? Aqueles que possuem backup na nuvem podem usar esses arquivos de backup para restaurar registros de chamadas de celular.
Ao tirar fotos com um telefone celular ou tablet, você precisa ativar a função de serviço de posicionamento GPS do dispositivo, caso contrário, o telefone celular não pode ser posicionado.