I would personally recommend each individual, coming from any background, lineage or age to try out living in a hostel at least once in their life. Too bold a statement? Well I don’t think so. I’ve been living in a hostel for the past 3 years, and plan to do so for next year too. The reason why I’m being so much supportive towards this cause is because no matter good or bad, living in a hostel gives a person valuable and priceless experiences which equips him/her to deal better with their lives henceforth. As Mark Twain has correctly pointed out,” We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it – and stop there; lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove-lid again – and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore.” Good judgment often comes from experience but experience in itself comes from both bad and good times, and a hostel is a perfect place to start with especially when a person is entering into adulthood.
After describing about the impact of hostel dormitory living, let me discuss certain pros and cons of living in a hostel.
• Timidity decreases –
Well, living in a hostel gives a person enough opportunity to interact with people because inside the hostel complex people are all around. Those individuals who are shy and are not able to interact with others properly over a course of time will have to talk to people at least their roommates for sure. Added to this celebrating festivals, fests and birthday parties together fosters relation building and gives a person ample chance to come out of its timidity.
• Interactions –
For those of us who aren’t too shy hostel is a perfect place to meet people from different regions, backgrounds and walks of life. People from different countries come together and live under a common roof, enabling in a knowledgeable and interactive session.
• It’s Cheap –
Let’s face it guys, living in a hostel is incredibly cheap, if you leave apart the ultra modern and AC ones. If we talk about the basic accommodation with all the requirements needed a hostel is a perfect place. Even the college hostels which many students prefer are comparatively cheaper than living in a rented home or hotel. I too live in a college hostel, which is really a good place to party!
• Indulgence in bad things-
People can be tempted in doing stuff which would harm them in the long run. Cases of cocaine, ganja, cigarette smoking as well as alcohol consumption have been observed in hostels.
• Lack of privacy –
Privacy do gets compromised when living in a hostel. In many hostels people have roommates, which reduce privacy even further.
• Security –
Sometimes cases of theft are also reported in hostels.
So, there it is hostel living explained from different viewpoints. One should try living in a hostel, and don’t forget to learn from the mistakes of one and all, and lead a good life ahead.
Source by Varun Jaiswal