One of the top questions that a DUI / DWI Lawyer gets asked is what is the difference between a DUI and a DWI. Here is a quick and simple explanation, but of course, it is always best to seek out a lawyer for the most complete legal advice and help.
DWI Definition – DWI stands for Driving While Intoxicated. You will get a DWI if you are caught driving a vehicle while you are drunk or after drinking alcohol that puts your blood alcohol level higher than the legal limit.
DUI Definition – DUI stands for Driving Under the Influence. You will get a DUI if you are driving while impaired by any substance or drug. Alcohol is clearly a substance that impairs your judgment, so you can get a DUI if you are caught drunk and driving, just like you can get a DWI if you are caught driving after having too many alcoholic beverages. However, if you are impaired by drugs while driving, you will get a DUI and never a DWI.
Generally, a DUI comes with a more strict punishment and a higher monetary penalty, than if you are given a DWI. However, these rules and laws vary on a state by state basis.
What about OVI, OVMI, and OVUAC? What are these terms and how do they relate to DUI and DWI?
OVI Definition – Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated
OVMI Definition – Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated
OVUAC Definition – Operating a Vehicle Under a Controlled Substance
These definitions should begin to give you a basic idea of the terminology used in DWI and DUI cases, but you should definitely seek legal counsel if you are faced with any of the above legal charges.