What is light? Intuitives, philosophers, and scientists have been trying to answer that question since antiquity. Intuitives claim that light penetrates each realm of existence and “All That Is”, is made of light. Quantum physics also suggests that the foundation of every physical thing is based on light. While on the surface it seems that scientists and intuitives are on the same page, are they really talking about the same thing?
Light has been associated with life, creation and the divine since the dawn of time. Many ancient cultures gave the sun a supreme status in their religious beliefs and mythology. Some who have experienced near-death episodes tell us that the residence of the consciousness that survives the body is in the light. In modern times, quantum physics has become the most successful of all branches of science. At its core, it is based entirely on the study and definition of light and how it interacts with matter. In many ways, quantum physics has deified ordinary light as the basis of existence.
Interestingly enough, one of the conditions that continues to fuel light research using the current scientific model in quantum physics is the very language used by intuitives. Many subscribe to the popular idea that matter is light that has been slowed down to the point of appearing solid. Thought is light that is at such a high frequency that it is undetectable by current physical instruments.
While scientists and intuitives are using the same word to characterize the essence of everything, there may be a giant chasm in context that ultimately defines the word light for each group. In science, light describes a wide range of mass-less, electromagnetic energies that are categorized and measured using a particle/force model. That model restricts the movement of everything in the universe to the speed of light. Intuitives don’t subscribe to the idea that thoughts or healing energy is bound by any such regulation.
The EM, or electromagnetic, spectrum includes low-energy waves that are as long as a football field up to the incredibly tiny, high-energy waves put forth by gamma ray bursts. Current instrumentation can successfully measure all of these energies. That makes it difficult to understand how thought energy could simply be of a higher, undetectable frequency, especially given the fact that all EM frequencies from x-rays up to gamma rays are known to be lethal to humans.
Perhaps the greatest difference in context about the word light, as it is used by scientists and intuitives, is that all EM radiation is a by-product of heat and vice versa. Source Light, or Divine Light exhibits no such condition. Near-death experiencers and shamans who journey often relate that they experience being engulfed in a brilliant light that is far more fierce than the sun yet it is not painful to dwell there.
It is important to keep in mind that most of what intuitives experience is ineffable. The only way to describe it is by relating it to something commonly known and sometimes that is not possible. One example that comes to mind is okra. If you have ever tasted it, you would be hard-pressed to describe it to someone who hasn’t. Okra only tastes like okra and you simply have to experience it to fully understand.
As long as intuitives use the word light to describe the structure and energy patterns of the invisible realms, science will continue to use the particle/force model to measure the electromagnetic spectrum, which is scientifically regarded as light. Since the dawn of humanity, light has been equated with the supernatural. It’s not likely that intuitives will find a new name for what they consider to be the fundamental essence of everything. Science is not likely to change its current investigative pattern until another plausible definition of light comes to bear. Science may never be able to find the elusive particles that carry the information forces alluded to by the intuitives if they don’t know what they are looking for or if they are looking in the wrong place. At this time, there is just no way to know if the EM spectrum is the right place to look or not simply because the investigation of it is far from being exhausted.